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French Concession 法租界 1、7、9、10、12、13

The Shanghai Former French Concession was a foreign concession in Shanghai from 1849 until 1946, and it was progressively expanded in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The concession came to an end in practice in 1943 when the Vichy French government signed it over to the pro-Japanese puppet government in Nanking. The area covered by the former French Concession was, for much of the 20th century, the premier residential and retail districts of Shanghai, and was also the centre of Catholicism in Shanghai. Despite rampant re-development over the last few decades, the area retains a distinct character, and is a popular tourist destination. Nowadays, more and more historical old houses have been refurbished by their landlords and expats enjoy living in the there with easy access to restaurants, cafes and bars.
上海法租界是近代中国四个法租界中开辟最早,面积最大亦是最为繁荣的租界,它开辟于1849年,一直到1943年被法国维希政府放弃. 期间它经历了一系列的扩大,于1920年代发展为上海最好的高级住宅区.同时它也是天主教法国耶稣会的中心所在地.即使在经历了改革开放后的一系列改造和拆建之后,仍然保留着原来梧桐成荫的街道和小巷,从中可以依稀感受到当年的繁华和样貌。如今,这里大多数的街道都比较安静,尤其是在清晨和傍晚,徒步行走在法租界的小路,路边净是典雅的历史建筑和幽僻的小店及咖啡馆.对于不了解这座城市的人来说,走在法租界的小路上是最好的暸解这个城市历史的方式.
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    French Concession 法租界