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Four Seasons Place Line 2 MAP
四季汇 2号线 地图
No 210 Century Ave Dongchang Road (5-mins)
世纪大道210号 东昌路(5分钟)
Luxury Modern Serviced Apartments
Onsite Clubhouse:Yes
Average Rental:RMB 442/sqm/month
平均租金:人民币 442/平方米/月
Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts has, for 50 years, transformed the hospitality industry by combining friendliness and efficiency with the finest traditions of intentional hotel-keeping. Four Seasons has extended its expertise into residential property management, ensuring the highest level of maintenance and operations at the new Four Seasons Place Pudong, Shanghai. Soaring 55 stories into the Shanghai skyline, Four Seasons Place joins Jin Mao Tower and Shanghai International Financial Center as a breathtaking icon of the thriving Lujiazui district. Revel in the bustling excitement of China’s business capital or unwind in Four Seasons comfort and care. Internationally renowned interior design firm YABU PUSHELBERG has designed spectacular spaces that inspire and spark the imagination. Integrating a palette of warm neutrals and dramatic accents, the contemporary interiors complement the designed furniture, the sleek glass-clad facade and pleasantly surrounding landscape. Four seasons Place offers 73 luxury apartments in total, ranging from 143sqm big 1-bedrooms to 323sqm 3-bedroom duplexes, the rental prices are quoted at RMB 80,000 monthly onwards which includes housekeeping services and Four Seasons Hotel clubhouse memberships.
作为享誉世界的豪华酒店管理集团,半个多世纪以来,四季酒店秉持“待人如己”的卓越理念,致力于为全球宾客提供始终如一的非凡礼遇。“四季汇”与四季酒店一脉相承,堂皇现代的空间布局,精益求精的顶尖配置以及无微不至的体贴服务,“四季”对品牌与品质的极致苛求,赋予了“四季汇”迥然不同的价值观:只为极致人生。“四季汇”坐落于陆家嘴核心地段,比肩金茂大厦,环球金融中心,傲居二十一世纪中心大厦顶部42-55层,居高览胜,坐拥陆家嘴繁华盛世,一览黄浦江璀璨风光,优越地表彰示显赫门庭。受众多全球一线品牌(路易威登,蒂芙尼,连卡佛等)青睐的国际殿堂级设计大师YABUPUSHLBERG首席受邀抵沪为“四季汇”度身订制。在“四季汇”,大师备受推崇的多样化表达的设计理念,又一次得到淋漓尽致的彰显,让“四季汇”的灵动空间,犹如一场耳目一新的视觉盛宴。YABU PUSHELBERG更是亲自为“四季汇”设计部分家私,简约的线条和时尚的配套极富个性又不失典雅,更显逸趣横生。“四季汇”一共拥有73间豪宅,分别从一房143平方米至三房323平方米不等,月租金从人民币80,000元起,其中包括服务和四季酒店的会所卡。
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Shanghai rentals of No 210 Century Ave in Four Seasons Place-Shanghai Lintel 四季汇世纪大道210号的可租房源